The Best TV Shows to Ever Get Canned (Part Two)

In our continuing series, we’ve been casting our critical eye over the best TV shows that have ever been cancelled, either by network stupidity, low ratings, or ‘creative differences’ – which is a polite way of saying egotists shouldn’t work with other egotists, all of whom have a conflicting ‘vision’.


Firefly has sort of become legendary amongst a certain type of TV viewer. For anyone who hasn’t seen it – and we’re guessing there’s a fair few of you heathens out there – it’s usually summed up thus: Star Wars in the Wild West. The show was dreamed up by Buffy creator Joss Whedon, whose snappy dialogue only adds to an already impressive sci-fi show about nine people living aboard the starship Serenity. Sure, it wasn’t the best TV show ever put on air, but it was well on its way to becoming so. Until Fox decided that, actually, they really didn’t get the darker themes and pulled the plug. Strong DVD sales led to Whedon and Universal Studios collaborating on a feature length film, so we guess that’s something.

Twin Peaks

Was there ever a more eerie show than Twin Peaks? Any show that’s even slightly bizarre will almost certainly be compared to David Lynch’s strange, dark tale of Kyle MacLachlan’s FBI agent Dale Cooper hunting the killer of schoolgirl Laura Palmer. When he’s not dining on cherry pie and damn fine cups of coffee, Cooper chatters away, almost obsessively, into his dictaphone to a mysterious woman named Diane – Why? Because… David Lynch, that’s why. But once the killer was unmasked (we won’t spoil it for you), ratings seriously dropped. True, the show was starting to lose its way, even during the second season, but we’d love to have discovered more about the tightly-knit town of Twin Peaks, its weird inhabitants, and an even weirder federal agent.

Better Off Ted

Have you ever been stuck in a dead-end job in a soulless corporation? Of course you have, that’s why you’re killing time reading this blog when you should be working. Better Off Ted is one of those programmes that prove that Americans really do get satire. The eponymous Ted, played by Jay Harrington – ten house points if you’ve heard of him, has to juggle being a moral centre-point for his young daughter, and being the amoral vice-president of the R&D department at the devastatingly bland Veridian Dynamics. Better Off Ted also starred Portia de Rossi, who went on to star in another cancelled (and later resurrected, a mere shadow of its former self) show: Arrested Development. As usual with great shows, Ted’s ratings plummeted fast and the network got seriously cold feet. I mean so cold they thought they were walking across the Arctic. So they did what all networks do: they canned the show in its prime.

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