At Electronic World we may be leaders in high quality cheap TV deals, but we like to keep our ears to the ground with regards to specific landmarks, so as to bring you relevant and up-to-date blog posts. Well, on this day way back in 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed. This relates to the matter of controlling and phasing out substances that are depleting the Ozone layer. Many documentaries have been made relating to the matter, as well as other environmental issues, so to mark the occasion and help raise awareness we have compiled a few of the best environmental documentaries to help provide you with future viewing.
5 Ways to Save the World
Firstly, it seems apt to start on a documentary relating to the matter at hand; Ozone depletion and global warming. This documentary was aired on BBC two and discusses geo-engineering techniques, amongst other innovative potential solutions, to help address the global warming issue and slow the rate of Ozone deterioration. Give this a watch to understand how you can help to reduce Ozone depletion.
Poison Fire
Poison Fire serves to highlight several of the ongoing social and political challenges which Nigeria have been facing over many years, with a particular focus on the local community of Niger Delta and their relationship with the oil companies. The documentary addresses many issues from climate change to globalisation as well as the problems that arise with being the 8th biggest oil exporter on the planet. A fascinating, albeit angering, watch.
A River of Waste
This documentary, A River of Waste, looks at the hazards that emerge through mass farming and the problems that can, and do, occur through the dumping of farm waste in the United States. Looking back over the history of these corporate farms, the documentary looks at the contemporary issues the areas face as growth hormones are applied and waste thoughtlessly dumped.
It’s never our intention to get you guys riled up, but when it comes to the environment it can be sometimes pretty difficult to avoid. There are numerous fantastic documentaries out there if you would like to inform yourself of some of the planet’s greatest struggles and issues and discover how you can indeed play your part.
If you would like a fantastic platform from which to do your research and watch these informative documentaries, don’t hesitate to contact us on 0121 327 3273 where one of our friendly team will be eagerly awaiting your call.