With semiconductor technology and availability becoming so advanced over recent years, the growth within this industry is only to be expected. Though, what may seem surprising is that a whole third of this market growth can be attributed exclusively to the top 10 OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufactures).
This top 10 list includes such brands as HP, Samsung, Apple, Nokia and Dell.
These OEMs specify with product ranges such as mobile phones, TVs and computers. Within these different product categories obviously these companies standing proud in this top 10 list have different strengths. For example where Samsung and Nokia both jumped on the Smart phone band wagon with the likes of Apple and LG, they took advantage of this growing and ever popular market. However where Nokia struggled within the flat-panel TV’s market, Samsung did not.
Samsung, Sony and Toshiba all reaped the benefits from this flat-panel TV market which leads these brand standing 2nd, 6th and 7th in the overall top 10 standings. It could be said that the reason why the current ranked number 2 OEM has been so successful is because of their precise balance between focussing on their Samsung smart phones and also on their cheap Samsung TVs.
With customers more interested in acquiring newer, more exciting and expensive Smart phones, Samsung must have realised that if they are to continue in succeeding and making sales in both markets, prices may have to decrease in one of these markets. As it stands, customers will pay more money for the current craze that it Smart phones, which leaves the flat-panel TV market to take the hit in profit margins. This however, has obviously worked for the brand that happily sits in the top 2 OEM contributors to the semiconductor market.