People up and down the country will be finalising their Christmas purchases, and you may have been given the task of helping Santa to find a 4K TV. If this is the case, and you’re not entirely sure what makes this type of model so mind-boggingly brilliant, we thought we’d break down the top things that you need to know!
What Does 4K Mean?
Remember when HD TV was a brand new concept and it blew everyone away? Well, what gives 4K TV the big ‘wow’ factor is the fact that it shows four times more clarity than HD TV. Yup, that means 8 million pixels compared to a measly 2 million found in your HD-ready set.
So if you’re a big movie buff, a 4K TV will show you all of those little details that really bring a film to life when you’re at the cinema!
Furthermore, there are a number of channels and manufacturers working together to set the standards of the new format.
How Much Does A 4K TV Cost?
If you haven’t bought a 4K TV yet and are waiting for the festivities to be over before parting with your cash on a new tele, the good news is that it’s not going to break the bank. When they were first released, you could expect to pay the equivalent of a deposit on a mortgage; we’re talking tens of thousands! Luckily, as the sets have become more popular, they’ve become much cheaper. You can now expect to pay less than £500 for a 4K smart TV as part of our smart TV deals.
Overall, Is It Worth Getting A 4K TV?
If you like your tech, then it’s a definite yes from us! However, there are so many other sets that are just as great for viewing, despite not having such a crisp resolution. For instance, 3D TVs and curved 3D sets are still growing in popularity because of the way they can bring a family together!
So if you’d like to bring a 4K TV into your home, here at Electronic World we’re able to offer you incredibly low prices so that you get the quality without the hefty price tag. For more information about our range of televisions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 0121 327 3273. You can also find us over on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all of our latest news, tips and technological tricks!