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3D vs. 4K

For anybody looking at buying a brand new television, there are two big buzzwords going around; 3D and 4K. But what are the differences, and which is better? 4K refers to the ultra-high definition this technology offers; four times the pixel resolution, or twice the line resolution of the standard 1080p high definition. It may also be referred to as Ultra-HD or UHD. 4K is increasingly being used in commercial movie making – more and more films are being shot or mastered in 4K definition – and it’s gradually being introduced into the home TV market. The obvious advantage of 4K is the stunning picture quality – if you thought HD looked good, 4K will astonish you. However, right now there isn’t a lot of content available in 4K definition; while a Blu-Ray disc is technically capable of holding 4K content, they would need more layers to hold a full length film in that definition, and current Blu-Ray players wouldn’t support these changes. The solution looks likely to be streamed content – Netflix begins streaming content in 4K this year, beginning with their award winning series House of Cards. In the meantime, 4K sets can generally upgrade standard HD picture signals into near-4K quality through a built-in upscaling process. 3D has been around in the home television arena a little longer, and it has its own attractions – after all, we experience the world around us in three dimensions, so why shouldn’t we experience our entertainment content in the same way? To begin with, it suffered the same problem that 4K has right now – a lack of content – however today there are plenty of 3D movies available on Blu-Ray, with more coming out every year, and Sky has a dedicated HD channel. 3D TVs do however require wearing glasses – and they usually only come with a couple of pairs, with any additional pairs charged extra. Of course, if you can’t decide between the two then the answer is simple – invest in a 4K TV with 3D capability and enjoy the best of both worlds! Right now we’re offering the Samsung UE65F9000 and the LG 55LA970 at fantastic prices. Here at Electronic World we offer a wide range of stunning cheap televisions – including 3D, 4K, HD, and Smart TVs – so that you can find whatever you want from your entertainment system at excellent prices.

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