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How a Smart TV Can Help You Work Out at Home

How a Smart TV Can Help You Work Out at Home


From New Year’s resolutions to getting ready for summer, we have all made those promises to improve our health, either physically or mentally, at some point. Going to a gym is great, but perhaps you don’t have the time, lack the confidence, or there isn’t one close enough; whatever prevents you from motivating yourself from getting out, there is a way your TV can help you.

TVs often get a bad reputation for decreasing your physical health; with all their incredible series available on-demand and films galore, it is pretty easy to collapse after a long day divulging in endless TV watching. However, the increase in technology has made working out a lot easier at home with a smart TV.

What Are the Benefits of Working Out at Home?

  • Dress – Getting geared up for exercise can be pretty costly. Being at home lets you wear as much or as little as you wish, offering complete flexibility whilst staying comfortable.
  • Weather – Staying home allows you to stay dry and warm whilst still getting active.
  • Be confident, be comfortable – Set your own goals, and go at your own pace.
  • Lifestyle flexibility – Shift work, kids at home; with a smart TV with instant access to workout material, these are no longer obstacles.

Using Streaming Services to Work Out

Many years ago, you would need to visit a video store to buy home workout DVDs, but with a smart TV, you can access hundreds of workout videos from online streaming services such as Netflix, Prime Video and NowTV. There is no need for portable dongles or devices to access all the streaming services online; a smart TV will allow you to do this directly from your device. Whilst it may feel like a costly purchase, you can find a cheap smart TV for your home with our vast range of sets, ideal for any budget.

With cheap 4k TVs, you can have one in any room you wish and work out with Joe Wicks or the endless other professional fitness coaches at ease. No more buying DVDs, no more external devices because it is already pre-built into your TV.

Fitness Apps For Your Smart TV

Every new smart TV will come with an app store to download various workout apps. Some also allow you to connect with other workout devices such as Peloton bikes and fitness tracker watches. Samsung has also brought out an exclusive selection of fitness apps with workouts, wellness videos and other great content to improve your mental fitness and physical well being. Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels has a line of fitness apps exclusive to Samsung, but if your TV isn’t from the Samsung range, there is still plenty of downloadable content to choose from.

Unfortunately, these facilities are only available on smart TVs from 2019, so if yours is a bit older, why not upgrade to a cheap LED TV from us.

Live Streaming Videos Workouts

Online has become the best modern way to broadcast to the public; YouTube alone has over 2 billion active users. It allows people from all over the world to engage in a session simultaneously, directly from their own homes. Many fitness coaches have used this excellent platform to interact with the general public for live streaming classes and workouts.

In March 2020, Joe Wicks set the world record for the largest live-streaming workout class with 955,185 views on his Lockdown Workouts. Its success was due to the inclusivity of the whole family. From ages 2 to 80, people from all over the globe joined in to keep fit, with many instructors taking inspiration to start a worldwide trend.

Twitch is another platform for streaming and can be used either directly from an app on your smart TV or cast from your mobile with the casting feature that comes with every smart TV. Using your device, you can live stream directly from all live streaming platforms from any room in the house, giving you the ability to access fitness classes in a modern way.

Working Out With Gaming Consoles

Since Nintendo introduced the Wii in 2006, there has been the ability to work out at home using games consoles. To help improve motivation, many devices make physical exercise a game and competition for all the family. Microsoft introduced the Kinect for the Xbox, Sony created the PlayStation Camera, and Nintendo stepped up its game with the Nintendo Switch. All these consoles can provide hours of workouts with designated games for fitness. Many fitness games have been made into enjoyable adventures, working across a network of other players with competitions and collective missions.

Have a Smart TV in Your Home Gym

If you are lucky enough to have a room set up for a home gym, getting motivated to use it can often be an obstacle.

Make it more entertaining by purchasing a cheap TV, giving you the function to watch all your favourite shows, listen to music or podcasts, keeping you going to achieve the results you have been putting off for so long!

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