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The Best Games to Play on an Ultra HD TV

The increasingly popularity of 4K and Ultra HD TVs is mainly due to the beautiful resolutions that can make you feel like you’re inside the screen with your favourite video game characters. High quality displays are sought after for the amazing experience they can offer to gaming, especially as the new generation has progressively better-rendered images as well. Whether it’s breath-taking cut scenes you’ll want to see over and over again, or a fast-paced game with great fighting systems, playing on Ultra HD TVs is the key to a fantastic gameplay that will leave you wanting more.
The Scenery If you want to get the best out of your game, especially if you love stunning landscapes that look real, playing it on a 4K or Ultra HD TV will give you just that. A game with great graphics, such as Far Cry: Primal can only become better when played on a screen with an outstanding display quality. The millions of colours available in these TVs will make you feel immersed in the fantastical worlds of the new gaming generation, and the different sizes you can choose from will also add to the quality of the image – and to how much you feel like you’re inside the game.
The Characters With beautifully-rendered imagery and Ultra HD TVs, you’ll be able to see your favourite characters in a way you couldn’t before. Being able to distinguish the individual hairs on the characters’ heads and bodies, and seeing all the life-like facial tics that make them seem real, will be even more noticeable on an Ultra HD or 4K TV. The Last of Us (with a remastered version coming out now) is a game with memorable characters and emotional moments that stay with us long after the game is over, a feature that is aided by the fact that the graphics are outstanding. Facial expressions makes the characters seem more human which, in turn, makes us connect with them at a deeper level.
The Action For games with a lot of action, it helps when the graphics are not only well-made, but the TV you’re playing them on have a high resolution. You’ll be able to fully enjoy each action-packed moment of games like Dragon Age: Inquisition by being able to follow each movement to its last detail, while also revelling in how it looks on your screen.
So the best games to play on a 4K and Ultra HD TV are the ones that combine great graphics that translate into stunning landscapes, characters and action scenes – this way you get the best out of both. If you’re interested in playing your favourite games on one of these TVs, contact us on 0121 327 3273 or browse our vast range of products for the one you want!

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